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Re: WIX-SB-002

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:36 pm
by hickej
I received my replacements this week and did the install this weekend. It wasn't that hard but it took me half the day. I had to remove my baggage compartment to get to the pulleys which need to be unbolted. I also removed the vtailcone fairing to reach the rear cable guides. The hardest part was going under the panel to get to the rudder pedals. I used to be much more agile.... The best part was testing. I had to make sure the plane would still loop and roll. I love my Waiex!!!

And did I mention the factory? Detection of a problem, rapid response, minimal paperwork ( send a picture of the offending part), parts arrived within a week of seeing the SB. That is how to run a company. Thanks again Sonex.

W162 TD 3300

Re: WIX-SB-002

PostPosted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 10:13 pm
by MichaelFarley56
Glad to hear she's all good to go Jim! Now you can keep those awesome videos coming!

What's the next big trip you have on the radar?

Re: WIX-SB-002

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:18 am
by hickej
I just went to Delano CA and helped judge an aerobatic competition (basically I was a scribe). I'm working up the nerve to enter one... I'm planning to go to Chino for the AOPA convention, Barstow for the Jabiru seminar and I'm taking Jill (the riveting girl) to Sedona. Other than that, no big trips planned ;)

Re: WIX-SB-002

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:07 pm
by fastj22
Did the SB today. Kinda pain the butt. Had to remove the retaining posts for the aft pulleys to feed the new cables through. Working blind with a lot of duct tape and swearing.
The other pulleys allowed passage of the ends with some motivation. Lost one of the stand off bushings and needed to get out the iBoroscope to find it. Other than that, just some nicked knuckles and choice expletives during replacement. Its amazing the amount of dust you build up in the aft sections. Even found a pen and a flyer from Airventure back there.

Did I mention its a pain and the butt to work on anything near the pedals? But overall a good time to really inspect the mixer assembly.
I really do respect Sonex that they proactively addressed this. A pain in the butt for us, but they do have our backs.

Re: WIX-SB-002

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:21 pm
by N111YX
I just got all four of my cables in last week (am I that last one?) and can offer a small hint. The hardest part for me was getting the circlips back on the cable fairleads. As hard as I tried, it's just not a one handed operation, at least while utilizing the small access panel that I cut for SB-001. After trying many different tools an techniques (and two additional brains on the project), I came up with the solution...

Insert only one half of the fairlead in the phenolic block, drape the circlip over it in the groove then have a helper push the other half of the circlip through the hole and if tension is applied on the clip at the right place, it will snap on.

That was a seven minute solution that cost me 6 hours and and a sore back... :cry: