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Waiex tail hockey stick - drawing revision

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 12:28 pm
by dbdevkc
I would like to hear from any Waiex builder who has already successfully, and
accurately, bent the tail 'hockey stick' part along the NEW bend line per the
mandatory drawing revision of 5/2011.

I have tried bending mine using the arbor press and v-block method, then built
and tried the jig that has been described (and pictured) here. I have a theory
(and good reason to believe) that although it was easy to bend along the
original drawing spec'ed bend line, it is nearly impossible to bend the part
along the new bend line accurately. That due to the shape of the piece, the
upward pressure when you are pressing down - either with the arbor press or the
center pipe of the custom jig - lends itself to a bend that is almost by default
off line from the prescribed line.

Again, the originally spec'ed bend line prior to the drawing revision was/is
easy to bend along - the new one - not so much. This did not become obvious
until I actually tried it and watched what was happening in the jig.

Kevin 'frustrated in NY' Conklin
Waiex 0169

Re: Waiex tail hockey stick - drawing revision

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:08 pm
by N111YX
I wish I had some advice for you Kevin. Mine fit good with the original bend. :oops:

Re: Waiex tail hockey stick - drawing revision

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:55 pm
by dbdevkc
Based on the silence on the other lists, I think am charting new ground here. I have one more idea on a variation of the jig, but then will document for Kerry why I believe it is not possible to bend it the way they now specify (at least not without some sort of large industrial bending break).

Kerry had told me to remake the pieces, and when I asked how they accounted for all the flying Waiex's with the old bend line, he wrote:

"The choice is ultimately yours if you wish to use the hockey sticks you formed. We will help in any way we can to make them work, but when you know you've made an error it is best to correct it up front rather than pass it downstream and where it needs to be dealt with in a different manner."

That was before I determined that it may not be possible to bend the part along the new bend line at all. What is really frustrating is that to bend it along the original bend line is relatively easy in either the jig or the arbor press/v-block, but the new bend line - no way.

I have had a few other issues (beginners mistakes) and then this - I really begin to question if I have what it takes to complete this project.

Re: Waiex tail hockey stick - drawing revision

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:01 pm
by Sonex1517

You do have what it takes. While I am not in your shoes, we met at the workshop - you are going to do fine. I got very frustrated and discouraged doing the first tough bend on the Sonex, which sounds very similar to yours. I have already ordered so many replacement parts that alone could be discouraging.

But to quote an old friend - if it was easy everyone would do it. We chose this path for a reason' and you and I each have it in us to complete. So does your daughter.

Stick to it buddy - I feel the frustration, but stick to it and you will get it done.

Re: Waiex tail hockey stick - drawing revision

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:58 pm
by structurespilot
Just bent my set of hockey sticks in accordance with the new bend line, and there was no problem. I used a wooden v shaped block and a 1" diameter steel rod for the radius, and a two ton bottlejack press.

Re: Waiex tail hockey stick - drawing revision

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:47 pm
by MichaelFarley56
I'm in the same boat as Kip...I used the original bend location and mine fit fine. However, the actual bend was one of the only things I didn't do myself. I tried using the tiny little Harbor Freight press but I couldn't do it, so I took the pieces to a local machine shop and had them bent. I think it took the guy an hour and I think I paid $20-$30ish total.

Nothing to it... ;)

Re: Waiex tail hockey stick - drawing revision

PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:39 pm
by Jonathan McGee
My bends were also suboptimal so I had another pair thrown into the full-kit shipment.

Re: Waiex tail hockey stick - drawing revision

PostPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:26 pm
by Bryan Cotton
I polished up my hockey sticks tonight. Any advise on the bend?

Re: Waiex tail hockey stick - drawing revision

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:19 am
by Bryan Cotton
I did a little internet searching last night. It seems like a v block may not be good as the fitting will torque around when you press it. I am thinking of making a block with a half round cut into it, so for the first part of the bend there is no torque.

I tried to join Waiexplans. It is impossible on my iphone.

Re: Waiex tail hockey stick - drawing revision

PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 4:38 pm
by N111YX
Here's a pic of the tool made by Will Dovel (YX0090). He had great success with it then sent it to me to use and it worked great. The idea was to send it to the next guy that wanted it via email as a donation from Will. It got about two builders down the line and someone decided to keep it. A shame.