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Re: New builder in Western Mass

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:24 pm
by mike.smith
Like Keith, I'm more than happy to fly out your way sometime to talk Sonex building. From late August on, I'll be more available. PM me and I can send you my regular email address.

Re: New builder in Western Mass

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:40 pm
by OtterlyFoolish
kmacht wrote:I also agree that you should talk with some people who have successfully flown behind the turbo setup first before you make a final decision.

I guess that I am a little confused by that statement. I am not sure if I need to find these people to figure out how to set it up successfully or if you guys are being snarky as if I will have a hard time finding 3 people who have set them up successfully. I am used to being surrounded by smart asses and text writing never show humor well. LOL

I would love to get down your way at some point to check out your project and hear what you have to say. I warn you that I may talk our ear off because I have almost no knowledge on building planes at this point.

Re: New builder in Western Mass

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:45 pm
by OtterlyFoolish
Onex107 wrote:I agree with Mike Smith. My Aerovee is now at 335 hours on the hobbs and other than the recommended periodic maintenance it's put in 5 gal. of car gas and go fly.

It is good to know that the basic Aerovee is a solid motor to start with. I will search the forum to see what other say about the turbo and potential fixes to the issues. I am guessing that adding liquid cooling also adds weight but removing the turbo will also lower the gross weight so that will require some serious thought to weigh the pros and cons.

Re: New builder in Western Mass

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:47 pm
by OtterlyFoolish
mike.smith wrote:Like Keith, I'm more than happy to fly out your way sometime to talk Sonex building. From late August on, I'll be more available.

Thanks Mike, that would be awesome. I will have my project by then and probably have a ton of question.

Re: New builder in Western Mass

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 5:41 am
by Mapleshade
Morning Folks,
I am new to the forums (other than lurking for 11 years). New 3rd owner of a 90% complete Sonex-A that will base in Claremont (KCNH). Came with an Aerovee (assembled/never ran) and I am considering doing the Turbo upgrade as part of a full inspection.

Re: New builder in Western Mass

PostPosted: Sun Jul 18, 2021 8:02 am
by GraemeSmith
Claremont! With that wild displaced threshold on 11!

Re: New builder in Western Mass

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 11:09 am
by OtterlyFoolish
Mapleshade wrote:Morning Folks,
I am new to the forums (other than lurking for 11 years). New 3rd owner of a 90% complete Sonex-A that will base in Claremont (KCNH). Came with an Aerovee (assembled/never ran) and I am considering doing the Turbo upgrade as part of a full inspection.

I may or may not have a turbo set up available. I want to build the Turbo Aerovee but a few people in here have told me to talk with some other turbo builders to see what it takes to get them running smoothly. I was hoping to talk with some folks about it at Oshkosh if I can get there next week. If I choose to not use the turbo that came with my kit then it will be up for grabs.

Re: New builder in Western Mass

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 5:39 pm
by pappas
The setup issues that I had were not because the Aerovee is turbocharged and had nothing to do with the boost system. The turbo itself is easy. Bolt it together, run the oil lines, adjust the wastegate.

I definitely like the 100 HP over the 85HP. The biggest issue with the turbo is that it takes up a lot of space at the engine's rear, especially when you add the turbo cooling system. It simply makes getting in and around it for maintenance fiddly.

Most of the Aerovee's have a set-up "learning curve". Mostly that curve involves tuning the Aeroinhector, getting the timing right, fiddling with the air cooling baffles, putting enough hours on it for the temps to settle in, and chasing oil leaks. None of which have to do with the turbo.

The only issue I had with the turbo is that the wastegate adjustment rod worked its way loose and the circlip bailed out causing a loss of boost. I was pushing out 85 HP instead of 100. It was an easy diagnosis. I adjusted the wastegate actuator rod, replaced the circlip, safety wired the arm, and poof, 40 inches of boost again.

Re: New builder in Western Mass

PostPosted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 6:14 pm
by Bryan Cotton
If I had the turbo I'd use it. I always said I wouldn't be among the first beta testers. I think we are beyond that stage.

Re: New builder in Western Mass

PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 9:58 am
by Mapleshade
OtterlyFoolish wrote:I may or may not have a turbo set up available. I want to build the Turbo Aerovee but a few people in here have told me to talk with some other turbo builders to see what it takes to get them running smoothly. I was hoping to talk with some folks about it at Oshkosh if I can get there next week. If I choose to not use the turbo that came with my kit then it will be up for grabs.

I believe I would be interested in your turbo if you do not plan to use it. My aerovee came with Nikasil Cylinders which I will be replacing at the same time.