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Difference between Sonex and Waiex

PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:21 pm
by dannyrsanch
Hey guys Im going to become a new flyer in april for light sport and looking into buying a Waiex for my first plane. When i was flying with my instructor i spoke with him about buying the Waiex and he told me that i would regret it. Something about being expensive to fly it due to the Y wing. So does anyone have any comment or different views on this subject. Please let me know before i buy. Im stuck on a Sonex so i wont be buying anything else. Thanks guys.

Soon to be a Sonex owner,


Difference between Sonex and Waiex

PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:36 pm
by Sonex1517
Hi Danny and welcome to the forum and Sonex community!

I am still building so I can't speak from hands on experience, but this is the first I have heard of that.

Both aircraft are economical to operate. I can't think of why one would more expensive than another...

There are a couple folks here with Waiex and lots of experience so I hope they will chime in here...

blue skies and welcome aboard!!

Sonex 1517

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Re: Difference between Sonex and Waiex

PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:40 pm
by N111YX
I would get a new instructor...:)

I can't understand why an instructor would think that a tail configuration would be more expensive to fly so I would suggest asking the reasons behind it. Also, remind him or her that they should be able to tell you "why" concering any relevant topic during instruction. "Just because" does not cut it.

As for the Waiex/Sonex difference, the only thing that many pilots (including myself) have found is that the Waiex has less crossswind capability than a Sonex, at least with regards to conventional landing gear.

Welcome to the site...!

Re: Difference between Sonex and Waiex

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:47 am
by MichaelFarley56
Hello Danny,

Welcome! Just like Kip, I too have a Waiex and just like Kip, I also recommend a new instructor! :mrgreen:

In all seriousness, you will find that a lot of pilots are, for some reason, scared of homebuilt aircraft and as a result have a negative opinion of them. I've heard stories similar to yours more than once and there's never any facts to support such claims.

I love my Waiex and also 100% support what Kip said...other than a reduced crosswind capability, the Waiex and Sonex are the same plane. Pick one based on how much you like the can't go wrong either way!

Re: Difference between Sonex and Waiex

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 12:11 pm
by dannyrsanch
Well thanks for the replies guys. I am still going to buy one i fell in love with them so im stuck. My only question really on the plane or should i say power system itself is that it has a AreoVee in it and i live in Colorado so im hoping that the high altitude wont effect the power that much. I plan on using it for fun flying and some cross country with the wife.

Re: Difference between Sonex and Waiex

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:19 pm
by rizzz
dannyrsanch wrote:When i was flying with my instructor i spoke with him about buying the Waiex and he told me that i would regret it. Something about being expensive to fly it due to the Y wing.

That's funny, you would actually think the opposite to be true. Even though the effect would be extremely small, the Y-Tail configuration should produce less drag.

Re: Difference between Sonex and Waiex

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:47 pm
by 142YX
rizzz wrote:
dannyrsanch wrote:When i was flying with my instructor i spoke with him about buying the Waiex and he told me that i would regret it. Something about being expensive to fly it due to the Y wing.

That's funny, you would actually think the opposite to be true. Even though the effect would be extremely small, the Y-Tail configuration should produce less drag.

The Y-tail surfaces are larger than just two vertical stabilizers on a Sonex. In order to get the same control authority as the conventional tail, they have to contribute the same net wetted area for the two axis, and would have the same parasitic drag. And because the rest of the airplane is exactly the same, the same contribution of the tail down force during flight must be achieved, giving both tails the same induced drag. The two tails are more alike than you would think!

One interesting argument, however, is that three 120 degree angles will contribute net less interference drag than four, 90 degree angles.. so the Waiex just might be a little bit faster for this reason :D

But Danny, i agree with everyone else. Your instructor might have just been shooting from the hip without really thinking about what he was saying.. I cant say he is "wrong", because he is not even in the ballpark of making any sense!

Re: Difference between Sonex and Waiex

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:03 pm
by MichaelFarley56
dannyrsanch wrote: My only question really on the plane or should i say power system itself is that it has a AreoVee in it and i live in Colorado so im hoping that the high altitude wont effect the power that much. I plan on using it for fun flying and some cross country with the wife.

Just my opinion Danny but if you're operating with two people on a normal basis out of Colorado, you may want to consider looking for a Waiex with the Jabiru 3300. The stock AeroVee would probably be adequate, but without the turbo system the company is slowly toying with, you'll like the plane more with the more powerful Jabiru. I'm mostly happy with my AeroVee but I fly 98% of the time by myself, in Ohio which is only at 1000' MSL.

Where in Colorado are you located? I fly into BJC fairly often and was just out in GJT over the holidays a few times. Beautiful area.

Good luck!

Re: Difference between Sonex and Waiex

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:50 pm
by dannyrsanch
Hey thanks Michael. Im in STK. Well im hoping that they due come up with that turbo soon but till then ill have to fly solo a lot more till either im able to sell the engine and put that in to buy the 3300.. I was also reading up with the great plains motors also. But again i guess i wont know till i get the plane so till then just hopes and dreams.

Re: Difference between Sonex and Waiex

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:27 am
by fastj22
I'm at KFLY. Hope to be flying in a few weeks. I went through the same dilemma but couldn't wait or depend on a turbo coming soon. My hangar mate has a Jab3300 also.
His plane performs great up here.
There is an aerovee Sonex based at KBJC.
KFLY is 6800ft. and I've had a C150 before and know how anemic it is when the DA gets above 8000ft.
You are at 4000ft so 80HP should be fine, especially solo. I remember flying my C150 up to Cabelas and the difference was enormous compared to my home field.

KSTK is within my proposed test area. I plan on doing some runs up there during phase 1. Let us know when you have the plane.