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Prop choice

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:14 am
by Mike53
I got thinking about propeller choices for the Onex.In my search I ran across this co. and noted that it was on a few Sonex aircraft and wondered if anyone had any experience with them.I filled out there price quote page and used the sonex with an aerovee engine and it came up with an approximate price of $1056 including shipping.Is this a competitive price with other prop co's.I found the design intriguing and the testimonials were positive as to shorter takeoff ,more climb,and higher cruise
Any other good choices :?:

Re: Prop choice

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:24 am
by N111YX
The Prince's seem to be great props. I don't hear any bad things about them. If I were buying a new prop I would probably go with the carbon covered Prince as I am tired of having the paint come off my Sensenich in the rain. No, I don't regularly fly in the rain but it's hard to avoid the pesky southern showers in the summer...:)

Re: Prop choice

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:36 pm
by Mike53
N111YX wrote:The Prince's seem to be great props. I don't hear any bad things about them. If I were buying a new prop I would probably go with the carbon covered Prince as I am tired of having the paint come off my Sensenich in the rain. No, I don't regularly fly in the rain but it's hard to avoid the pesky southern showers in the summer...:)

Kip would you say that the price is competitive with your Sensenich?What size is your prop?

Re: Prop choice

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:11 pm
by N111YX
Mike, the Prince prop is over $1100 where the Sensenich was about $800. Not sure of the size but I have the standard "Jab 3300" version that Sonex suggested...

Re: Prop choice

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:04 am
by Mike53
Duh! Just discovered that Sonex sells Prince Prop's.

Re: Prop choice

PostPosted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:02 pm
by fastj22
Which do you think would have better climb performance for a Jabiru 3300, Prince or Sensenich.

All are 54 inches diameter (those sold through Sonex).
Prince has a 60 inch pitch.
Sensenich Wood has a 62 inch pitch.
Sensenich Glass has a 64 inch pitch.

If I recall my RC days correctly, the finer the pitch (lower the number) the better the climb but slower cruise. But not all props are created equal and especially between manufacturers.

My field elevation is 6500ft with summer DAs up to 9,500ft. I will sacrifice cruise for climb.

Re: Prop choice

PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2011 10:06 pm
by fastj22
I just ordered a Prince from Sonex over the web. I know they are on Christmas shutdown, but at least I have the order in when they return.

For those who got a Prince, what was the turn around time from order to delivery? I've heard stories of over 3 months. I hope not, but I think the Prince is the best choice for a good climb prop.

Re: Prop choice

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:23 am
by sonex892
For those that like experimenting and have a bit of patience and free time you can roll your own for about $80 worth of materials. Here are a couple of pics of the 2 props I've made and have been using. I ran prototype 2 for the first 20 hrs and prototype 3 for the last 65hrs. Prototype 1 has only been used as a test club on ground runs.

For the design I bought a JC Propellor design program and thoroughly recommend it. The program runs on excel and will produce a design for 6 different styles and can also do 3 and 4 blade designs. Even if you dont want to make a prop it can be used as a tool for prop selection. Oh by the way I have no connection to JC propellor.

I'm now in the process of completing a new fibreglass spinner total parts weigh just over 1 lb this will replace 3.5 lbs of billet spinner

Sonex 892 VH ZSX
prototype 3 64" x 55"
28102010(001).jpg (140.75 KiB) Viewed 19095 times
prototype 2 63" x 55"
17092010.jpg (95.75 KiB) Viewed 19095 times

Re: Prop choice

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:25 am
by radfordc
sonex892 wrote:For those that like experimenting and have a bit of patience and free time you can roll your own for about $80 worth of materials. Here are a couple of pics of the 2 props I've made and have been using. I ran prototype 2 for the first 20 hrs and prototype 3 for the last 65hrs. Prototype 1 has only been used as a test club on ground runs.

Steve, can you give us your performance numbers....static rpm, cruise rpm/speed, max rpm/speed, climb rpm/rate of climb, etc.

Re: Prop choice

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:06 am
by sonex892
radfordc wrote:
sonex892 wrote:For those that like experimenting and have a bit of patience and free time you can roll your own for about $80 worth of materials. Here are a couple of pics of the 2 props I've made and have been using. I ran prototype 2 for the first 20 hrs and prototype 3 for the last 65hrs. Prototype 1 has only been used as a test club on ground runs.

Steve, can you give us your performance numbers....static rpm, cruise rpm/speed, max rpm/speed, climb rpm/rate of climb, etc.

Charlie. Static rpm with the 64" prop is 2850rpm 24"Mp, climbout sees 2900rpm 27"Mp. At WOT in flight it revs out to between to 3100 and 3150rpm, at WOT I have seen 160 knots IAS in smooth air. I normally cruise at 2700rpm which achieves an average of 130 knots at 19 litres per hour. 2800rpm is close to 140 knots and 23 litres per hour

Now its definitely not a climb prop. The best climb rate I see solo on a cold day is about 1400 to 1500fpm. Flown solo it is almost always over 1000fpm. If its hot and heavy it doesnt climb real good. The worst I have seen at gross on a hot day 38 degrees C was between 400 and 500 fpm.

For the next prop I'll be aiming for 62" pitch.

Sonex 892 VH ZSX 3300 TD