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Re: Viking Engine

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 12:18 pm
by Goodflight777
That would unquestionably be the best thing for him to do. However, he obviously needs the financial resources to do that. That can only be generated from a viable business. If the Viking engine fails from an excess of negative publicity crippling the business, the resources won't be there. Also, continued negative commentary creates a siege mentality, and will predictably make him less likely to have a generous turn of mind, if the Viking engine eventually becomes successful. So, in a counterintuitive way, those who lost money on the Suburu venture actually have more likelihood of eventual reimbursement, by being less persistent in negative commentary.

Re: Viking Engine

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:21 pm
by vigilant104
Goodflight777 wrote:That can only be generated from a viable business. If the Viking engine fails from an excess of negative publicity crippling the business, the resources won't be there. Also, continued negative commentary creates a siege mentality, and will predictably make him less likely to have a generous turn of mind, if the Viking engine eventually becomes successful.

I don't think people want to be in the position of hoping that another individual has a "generous turn of mind." People don't want generosity--they want what they paid for.
A hypothetical situation: If I had burned a lot of customers, if I had been secretive and arbitrary, I would not expect much sympathy from the marketplace in the future. I'd either give up on being in business for myself, or I'd realize that people would now demand some guarantees from me. Because of my track record, I'd probably need to find an investor to front my effort, to pay for testing, and I'd realize I need to set up an ironclad escrow account for new buyers so they could be assured of getting their money back if my business folded. I sure wouldn't expect a new batch of customers to come forward (again) and be my testing crew (at their expense). If I elected not to take these steps, just to pretend that bygones were bygones and hope that a new crop of customers would come my way, I'd not be surprised if the takers were few and the internet was full of warnings to anyone who asked about me and my efforts. But, that's just me in a hypothetical situation, you understand.

Re: Viking Engine

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:23 pm
by Goodflight777
The pure logic of the Jan situation is:
* No one has any chance of being paid back if Viking fails (since there will be no money to pay back).
* The constant negative online commentary increases the likelihood of Viking failure.
* Therefore the negative commentary reduces the chances of being paid back.

But the idea of an escrow account is a good one, for any high risk business for that matter.

Re: Viking Engine

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:34 pm
by Rynoth
Goodflight777 wrote:The pure logic of the Jan situation is:
* No one has any chance of being paid back if Viking fails (since there will be no money to pay back).
* The constant negative online commentary increases the likelihood of Viking failure.
* Therefore the negative commentary reduces the chances of being paid back.

But the idea of an escrow account is a good one, for any high risk business for that matter.

For those of us with no skin in this game, following your logic leads to:

* Avoid this product and its distributor at all costs.

Honestly, your post(s) has more of a feeling of a threat than anything else. From what I've read (as a novice builder) of your first 4 posts on this forum, you sound like an advocate/employee of Viking that's trying to repair a reputation, but the statements you're making (generous turn of mind, chances of being paid back...) are really raising the eyebrows of myself, and I imagine any others who are new to this... scenario.

Re: Viking Engine

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:28 pm
by daleandee
Rynoth wrote: From what I've read (as a novice builder) of your first 4 posts on this forum, you sound like an advocate/employee of Viking that's trying to repair a reputation, but the statements you're making (generous turn of mind, chances of being paid back...) are really raising the eyebrows of myself, and I imagine any others who are new to this... scenario.

Jan has been on other lists under assumed names trying to advocate the merits of himself and the Viking engine. Jan, is that you? LOL!

Sorry ... he gets what he deserves. If he's a crook that rips people off and refuses to pay back what he owes, which is the way it has been so far, I'm gonna continue to warn people to avoid him like the plague. If he really wants to turn his business around he will start with his reputation. You see ... when a man has lost his integrity he really isn't worth doing business with.

BTW, I not against new engines and I believe the Honda Fit conversion will be a good one. Raven Rotorcraft Redrives is closing in on releasing their version of the Honda Fit/Jazz engine. Reputable company that will do the required research and get it right and not "take the money and run" if something should go wrong.



Re: Viking Engine

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:30 pm
by fastj22
Using the same logic, if Bernie Madoff were released from jail and started a new investment company, everyone should invest with him so that he can use his proceeds to pay off the people he ripped off previously.

Re: Viking Engine

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:37 pm
by daleandee
fastj22 wrote:Using the same logic, if Bernie Madoff were released from jail and started a new investment company, everyone should invest with him so that he can use his proceeds to pay off the people he ripped off previously.

Glad I wasn't drinking coffee as I read that! I nearly hurt myself laughing so hard at how funny the truth of the matter is when you put it that way!

Thanks ... I needed that!


Re: Viking Engine

PostPosted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:02 pm
by Don Bowen
Just one data point, but I found dealing with Jan to be easy, pleasant and not a problem at all. He delivered everything I needed for my Viking (engine, prop, cowlings, ECU, etc) as promised on time without delays or hassles. He has been easy to deal with and has promptly answered my questions.

Re: Viking Engine

PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 11:23 am
by chris
I have locked this thread. The topic has been beaten to death. The feelings about the Viking engine and its owner have been made clear. People from both viewpoints have stated their opinions. I do not think it is beneficial to continue the 24 page discussion.

If anyone has technical reasons for discussion about the engine please start a new topic.

