Cooling Plenum

Jabiru 2200 / 3300 discussions

Re: Cooling Plenum

Postby Kai » Fri Jun 29, 2018 4:41 pm


You could have a look at the Camit/Jabiru group on Yahoo for this prv thing. The issue has been discussed ad nauseam there. Personally I have split one cooler when my first 22A was fairly new, and it consumed 3 VDO oil pressure senders, before a failing snapring caused a wristpin to demolish its crankcase. On my second 22A, which is now on its second oil pressure sender after apprx 150 hrs, the oil filter started showing signs of giving up the ghost. Luckily I caught it before any damage was done. For quite a lot of engines, something is not right in the lubeoil system- the vexing problem is why not all?

Sonex A #0525- SG, DS.
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