COVID lockdown

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Re: COVID lockdown

Postby mike.smith » Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:41 pm

fastj22 wrote:Ouch, another factor. Talking to my trusty CFI, he said he wouldn't do a flight review until there's a vaccine. My flight review is due in June. Unless I can find a CFI who's willing to sit next to me, I might be grounded. I have a list, but most are over 65 and high risk.

Also, I got to thinking, if my state is under a shelter at home directive from the Governor, and I launch, my ADS-B is recorded by the FAA and if they really wanted to get nasty with me, could violate me on not behaving. Interesting times. I think I will not be selfish and follow the mandates of my government.

Mine is up tomorrow. AOPA said they have petitioned the FAA for relief from all manner of things, including the Flight Review. But if nothing comes out then I'm grounded as of tomorrow.

And for what it's worth, I've flown twice in the last week. House, to airplane, to house. Self serve fuel with latex gloves, which I threw in the trash can after. Never saw or got near another soul. I believe I'm being socially responsible.
Mike Smith
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Re: COVID lockdown

Postby WesRagle » Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:53 pm

Hi Guys,

I'm a very white boy. In my younger days I loved water skiing, swimming, etc. Sun burn and pealing skin was just part of the ambiance of Summer. Well, I'm paying for it now. I had a dermatologist appointment scheduled for next week. My wife took a call today and was told that I needed to change my appointment to a tele-appointment. How does that work? Do I need to go get a can of C02 and take care of this while the doc talks me through it?

Anyway, any of you guys with upcoming proctology appointments should probably start getting mentally prepared.

Wes Ragle
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Re: COVID lockdown

Postby lgsievila » Wed Apr 01, 2020 10:46 pm

Hi Wes,
The way things are looking I am not sure if we will be down your way in June or not. Sounds like school is done for the year and haven't heard anything about a graduation ceremony. Your plane looks really good in the pictures and I know the pics don't really do justice to your work since I have seen it in person. Will keep you posted.

With regard to the TP issue/shortage one theory I heard was that when one persons sneezes, 100 people crap their pants. Luckily before everything hit the fan my wife made a Costco run and got a big package like she normally does when we start getting low. Everybody stay healthy out there.
Loren Sievila
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Re: COVID lockdown

Postby WesRagle » Thu Apr 02, 2020 2:08 pm

HI Loren,

Well, it is what it is. I enjoy your visits, but I understand the situation. The Gov. just had a message sent out telling us all to stay home. That's no problem for me. I've probably been out twice in the last two months. Once to check paint prices and another to borrow scales. The guy that loaned me his scales is already pinging me to bring them back. Hope I don't get arrested.

Wes Ragle
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Re: COVID lockdown

Postby lpaaruule » Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:45 pm

I finally flew for the first time in a couple months. Between the almost constant windy days, and our stay at home order here in Michigan, I've been apprehensive about flying and having my ADS-B broadcast what I'm doing.

However, a friend of mine convinced me it would be fine, as he had flown his plane, and hadn't been contacted by anyone.

My main concern was that I knew I would have to fuel up before I could fly, and didn't want to get near anyone at the fuel pump (which usually isn't a problem).

So, as I was fueling up, a plane pulled up behind me. After I finished fueling, I pulled the Sonex away, threw away my nitrile gloves, and started buckling in. At that point I hear someone coughing, and walking towards me. An old timer had got out of his the plane, and all but poked his head right in my plane, and started asking me all kinds of questions about it.

Normally I would be happy to talk, but this really ticked me off. I was polite, but in hindsight probably should have asked him so step back.

A good flight, engine ran great, but I can only hope that he wasn't infected.
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Re: COVID lockdown

Postby jrs » Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:47 pm

Setting out on the porch this afternoon and heard one going over if you flew north towards Grand Blanc it might have been you. Sure is quiet up there.
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Re: COVID lockdown

Postby GraemeSmith » Mon Apr 06, 2020 7:21 am

Any USA airport that took Federal Funds through the AIP program cannot be shut down by local government without the agreement of the FAA. FAA letter of guidance attached. I carry a copy right now in case I run into some zealous LEO who might think otherwise. The airports are part of the national infrastructure and might be needed for relief or similar work. Something we all did during Superstorm Sandy up our way a while back. Flying (mainly) high energy food, some water and warm clothing into airports all over the Jersey Shore which was otherwise "closed".

Airports that didn't take FAA funds local government may have a say (especially if it's a town or county owned airport).

However the governor here in RI can have a say as to what happens if you arrive in an aircraft from out of state and step off the airport property - mandatory 14 day quarantine - just like cars coming in from over the border.

That said - when I went to fly my "round" of the 7 public use airports in RI yesterday (see RI is small) - I skipped my usual call at Block Island where the residents are downright trying their hardest to self-isolate the whole island - like the more publicized request of Tangier Island in Chesapeake Bay. Even a touch and go would just plain upset people unnecessarily. I judge to the detriment of GA - even though - sitting solo in the cockpit is about as socially distant as you can manage.

It's a matter of balancing exercise, not getting cabin fever, keeping the engine exercised, and not pissing others off on the ground who think we must be doing SOMETHING wrong.

For al FAA current exemptions to rules caused by COVID-19 see here: ... VID-19.htm

And remember - just because the FAA have made an exception - your INSURANCE company might not. The most obvious being flying on an expired medical. Check with your insurance company to see if you are still insured.
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Re: COVID lockdown

Postby lgsievila » Mon Apr 06, 2020 12:39 pm

When I was outside yesterday I heard the sounds of several planes that sounded like RVs. I looked up and saw 5 planes playing "Follow the Leader". They were practicing good social distancing, at least 2500 ft MSL and1/4 mile apart as they meandered up and down the Columbia River from the Oregon side to the Washington side. I watched from my home at 1100 ft MSL and lived vicariously through those pilots at that time. Then I thought about the poem-"High Flight" and was grateful that I have experienced the things RCAF Pilot Officer Gillespie Magee wrote about:

"Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed and joined the tumbling mirth of sun-split clouds -
and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of -
wheeled and soared and swung high in the sunlit silence.
Hovering there I've chased the shouting wind along
and flung my eager craft through footless halls of air.
"Up, up the long delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace,
where never lark, or even eagle, flew;
and, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
the high untrespassed sanctity of space,
put out my hand and touched the face of God."

We'll get through this together
Loren Sievila
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Re: COVID lockdown

Postby WaiexN143NM » Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:03 pm

Hi Loren, all,
Very nice , thanks for sharing.

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Re: COVID lockdown

Postby WesRagle » Thu Apr 09, 2020 4:58 pm

HI Guys,

Well, I'm just off a full couple days of grounds keeper chores. There's nothing like getting a little outside time to put things in perspective. It brought into sharp contrast what's going on in the "human world" with whats going on in nature as a whole.

This has to be the prettiest time of the year where I live. Everything is turning green again. The wild flowers are blooming and all of nature is anxious to reproduce. I'm not a photographer, but maybe you can get the idea.

A shot out the shop door:

Just to the right some wild flowers I couldn't bear to mow.

I drove my little 50 year old tractor down to store it in the shed I build for Dad while I was in high school. I got this old gal in full blown attack mode.

Took a peek through the slats and saw why.

Any way, we'll get through this thing. Some tears will be shed, some things will be a little different, but I'll bet overall we'll emerge stronger than ever.

Have a Happy Easter,

Wes Ragle
Onex #89
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