Newsletter articles and photos

Newsletter articles and photos

Postby Sonex Foundation » Sat Aug 01, 2020 9:57 am

Hi everyone

I am currently about to start working on the Summer 2020 newsletter - The success, length, and articles rely on member supplied content.

If I don’t get anything from our community, we can’t create a newsletter. It really is that simple.

We are a creative group - share your successes, failures, modifications, and adventures!

Examples of past issues are here:

If you have anything you would like to share please send it to - any text document format should work, and photos should be the highest quality content possible. You don’t need to be an author, I edit everything. Length is up to you - too long and I split it into multiple parts in different newsletter issues.

I am especially looking for a high quality portrait (vertical) photo to feature on the cover. Here’s your chance to see your photo on the front cover of the member newsletter! I’m picky, but don’t be shy. Send your best shot!

Have you made an epic trip? Completed a bucket list item in your airplane? Flown a special passenger? Send it in!

As always, we love to feature member aircraft so if you are interested send the following information and some high quality photos

Your Name

What is your Sonex's (Waiex/Onex/Xenos) Serial number

What gear configuration do you have?

When did you start building and when was the first flight?

What do you have installed? Please be specific - Engine, electronics, etc. A full list please

What modifications and customization did you do?

What else do you have planned for the airplane?

Where are you based?

What made you choose Sonex?

What did you find most challenging about this build?

What would you do differently looking back?

What advice could you offer to someone currently building a Sonex?

Do you have an online build log or web site?

What can you tell us about the first flight? How did it feel? Did anything surprise you bout the airplane?

How did you prepare for that first flight?

What goals do you have now? (Trips? Completing the 40 hours? Going to Oshkosh?)
Robbie Culver
Sonex Builders and Pilots Foundation
Sonex Foundation
Posts: 158
Joined: Fri May 10, 2013 9:20 pm

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