N624DZ Reserved

N624DZ Reserved

Postby BobDz » Thu Nov 09, 2023 10:40 pm

Good evening all

I've kind of had the cart before the horse, and am now getting around to introducing myself.
My name is Bob, and my Sonex story is pretty cool, at least I think so.

This past July, my oldest son, Adam, was back in Wisconsin for a wedding. He had no plans for Thursday and I said just for old times sake, let's go to Airventure. And we did. And we had a BLAST! Turns out that UT was the 25th anniversary of the first time I took him to Airventute, and we some great adventures in airplanes. We camped at Aiventure for the entire week about six years in a row. I have pictures of him with the Tuskegee Airmen, Bob Hoover, Chuck Yaeger, and many more. Coincidentally that same summer we flew the Hudson River corridor and did circles around the Statute of Liberty on fathers day weekend. Adam was a celebrity when he got back to school that fall.

About six weeks after Airventure 23, Adam was back again for yet another wedding. On very short notice, Mark Schaible, very graciously set us up with a factory tour. It was a surprise for Adam, and I repeatedly refused to tell him where we were going. Again, we had a blast! There was no shortage of topics for conversation for the remainder of Adam's time in Wisconsin. Anyone who has not been to Sonex, you need to go. Just do it in such a way as to not delay my next pick up of parts and pieces.

With the blessing and encouragement of both sons, Adam and Peter, and my amazing daughter in law, Holly, I ordered a Sonex B tail kit (which is almost done). When I placed the order I was told 12-16 weeks. Not a problem, gives me time to finish my new front porch, and clean my shop. About 16 HOURS later, I hot an email telling me that my kit was ready for pickup! The aviation gods were definitely smiling on me.

I joined EAA about 30 years ago, missed a few years due to a minor lapse in judgement, and building an airplane has been on my mind all of that time.

N624DZ is reserved! The 6th is Adam's birthday, and the 24th is Pete's.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it ( unless I've made too many grammatical and spelling errors - then I will edit)
Bob Dz...
Sonex B, Tri-gear
(technically within walking distance of Sonex)
N624DZ (reserved)

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Re: N624DZ Reserved

Postby AlFromNY » Mon Dec 11, 2023 9:57 am

Hello Bob from Wisconsin.
I'm also the proud owner of a Sonex B tail kit; I'm almost done accumulating tools and have checked the Rudder Drive Horn together.
So . . . did you run into any problems putting your tail kit together? What task gave you the most difficulty & how did you solve it?
Alan K
Rye, NY
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Re: N624DZ Reserved

Postby BobDz » Mon Dec 11, 2023 11:44 am

Good morning Alan.

First, let's immediately dispel the myth that you "are almost done collecting tools". You will never, I repeat NEVER, be done collecting tools. I am a self-proclaimed "tool junkie" and have tools in my shop from 50 years ago, and yet, I am STILL "collecting" tools. It's an addiction. As an example, when you go to match drill your elevator horn assembly, you will find out that you might "want/need" a close quartes right angle drill. I purchased the one from Spruce that EAA Tech Counselor Charlie Becker recommended in one of his videos. It did not disappoint. The general rule is that the man who dies with the most tools, WINS.

Second, I have a bit of an advantage having started life out as a draftsman. Construction drawings are my second language. Mark was gracious enough to ket me pick up my complete plans two months before my next kit will be ready for pickup (mid January). I have been drooling over them daily. Some of the pages are waterlogged. The plans are very good with a few very minor exceptions. The more time you "spend in the plans", the easier your build will be. If you're not comfortable with reading plans, YouTube is your oyster. If you have plans questions, feel free to ask.

Third, to answer your real question, I have not encountered any major issues in my tail kit. I did find three minor issues that needed clarification from Sonex. When bolting together my vertical Spar, the nuts bottomed out before the assembly could be properly torqued (have you "collected" an inch-pund torque wrench yet?). Sonex Tech introduced me to the need for additional washers or different bolts. I ordered a washer assortment from Spruce. The EAA Tech Counselor that visited my build, Charlie Becker, suggested that I might want to change the bolt instead to avoid unnecessary additional weight. If you want to save a pound on your MTOW, look for 32 places that you can save a half ounce. That's paraphrased from a backpacker saying in the 70's. I have a bolt assortment in my Spruce shopping cart. Then I found an oddly worded note on the plans that implies that there are 42 rivets in the rudder hinge when there are only 41 holes in the hinge. Another quick email to Sonex Tech to confirm my suspicions. Lastly my Forward Spar Fitting was missing three "pre-drilled" holes. I wasn't too concerned because I thought that once I received my complete plans (didn't have them yet) I would find the three holes on one of the fuselage pages. Turns out that the connection is on page T1, that for whatever reason was not included in my tail drawing set. An email to Sonex Tech resulted in a detailed drawing properly locating the three holes. Quick trip to the drill press, problem solved.

Fourth, if you're not an EAA member, go online and join now. The EAA has tons of resources that will help you. The same goes for YouTube, but keep in mind that the best thing about the internet that everyone has a voice, and the worst thing about the internet is that everyone has a voice. Every village has an idiot. Make use of the EAA Tech Counselor program, it's well worth it. Also watch every video on Sonex's website and read everything that they have to offer.

A long winded answer to your question, but I hope that helps. Feel free to contact me anytime.
Bob Dz...
Sonex B, Tri-gear
(technically within walking distance of Sonex)
N624DZ (reserved)

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Re: N624DZ Reserved

Postby Bryan Cotton » Mon Dec 11, 2023 12:54 pm

The purpose of the hobby is to collect tools.
Bryan Cotton
Poplar Grove, IL C77
Waiex 191 N191YX
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Re: N624DZ Reserved

Postby BobDz » Mon Dec 11, 2023 1:03 pm

Bryan Cotton wrote:The purpose of the hobby is to collect tools.

Bob Dz...
Sonex B, Tri-gear
(technically within walking distance of Sonex)
N624DZ (reserved)

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Re: N624DZ Reserved

Postby bvolcko38 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 11:03 am

I am/was a construction layout surveyor. I admire good drawings and the draftsmen that created them. Makes my job so much easier. Good drawings are rare these days, don't know why. Sonex drawings are quite good and reading them was second nature for me. I tried to help a freind with a Waiex but he just could not read the drawings. We are all different.
Good luck with your build.
Bill Volcko XNS0068
Xenos A N68WV 99% flush rivets
Aerovee and Prince P-Tip
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Re: N624DZ Reserved

Postby AlFromNY » Sun Jan 28, 2024 10:54 pm

Thank you for replying to my post! I did not see your Dec. 11, 2023 comment until today Jan. 28!
You are so right about “the myth that you"are almost done collecting tools". You will never, I repeat NEVER, be done collecting tools.”
Just today I was looking at various new tools, discussed in the new EAA SHEET METAL BASICS book I just got – AT 30% discount for Homebuilder’s Week! (e.g.,Adel Nibbler, and Air drills, etc.!
I’m trying to get more comfortable with the plans, as you suggest; I glanced through Chapter 7: Reading Drawings and Blueprints of Jack Dueck’s book ‘SHEET METAL BUILDING BASICS,’ and plan to re-read it.
Thanks for answering my question about ‘major issues.’ In fact, it was helpful because after reading your response I noticed that my plans likewise don’t include a T-1. I’ll have to look into that.
Good idea – I think I’ll order a washer assortment.
As far as a Tech Counselor, here’s the story. After I got my tail kit on 10/12/23, I reviewed the plans and purchased various tools and supplies, e.g. die grinder & 2 & 3” rolox disc pads and scotch-brite discs of various coarsenesses & a 1-ton Arbor Press. In order to make the bend on the first step on the SNX-T13-03 Drive horn, I cut up a finder (.040 thick steel) and bought a 1” diameter steel rod which I flattened to kind of fit the ‘piston,’ practiced getting the bend right on the line. Then I got my nerve up to make the bend on the drive horn, lined everything up pulled down the lever on the arbor press and pulled some more and more and . . . nothing. Apparently .200” aluminum ain’t like bending .040 steel! I was about to start building a hydraulic press, but it suddenly occurred to me . . . I should JOIN AN EAA CHAPTER and start going to meetings again. Then Matt Conclin of EAA Chapter 69 in Warwick, NY called me in response to my e-mail and we chatted and he invited me to visit and use his hydraulic brake.
Btw, I’ve been an EAA member since like 1980 or before, and I’very watched many EAA videos – also got my Light Sportplane Repairman -Maintenance rating a year ago, and am still learning!!
So . . . it looks like after a 3-month ‘learning curve delay’ I’m about to get out of the starting gate.
Again, thanks for responding to my posting, and perhaps I will contact you when my next ‘issue’ arises.
Alan K
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Re: N624DZ Reserved

Postby BobDz » Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:40 am

Enjoy building Alan!
Bob Dz...
Sonex B, Tri-gear
(technically within walking distance of Sonex)
N624DZ (reserved)

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Re: N624DZ Reserved

Postby AlFromNY » Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:44 am

I'm enjoying the 'learning process' as well as putting the new tools to good use. I expect it will get even more enjoyable when pieces start coming together - REAL SOON!!
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Re: N624DZ Reserved

Postby BobDz » Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:58 am


I have always enjoyed that at the end of the day , being able to step back and say "I built that!"

I am a self proclaimed builder junkie. Projects are my crack.
Bob Dz...
Sonex B, Tri-gear
(technically within walking distance of Sonex)
N624DZ (reserved)

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Posts: 265
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