Jabiru 3300/Aerocarb quits on right turn taxi

Jabiru 2200 / 3300 discussions

Jabiru 3300/Aerocarb quits on right turn taxi

Postby BenCharvet » Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:09 pm

I've had a problem recently where my Jab will quit 3/4 of the time when turning right off of the runway. It gives no warning, and immediately restarts. I've tried leaving it leaned, and full rich. My setup has no gascolator or fuel drains, all fuel lines are insulated, air deflector for the oil cooler, and exhaust pipes are wrappped. I'm in Florida, and I still get occasional burps on takeoff if I have a long taxi and its hot out. I've tried increasing RPM to 12-1300 prior to turning and it still happens like 3/4 of the time. Last week I noticed a stumble as I turned right to get on the runway. I haven't noticed any problems with left turns on the ground, and after its in the air everything is fine. I have an e-mag from Rotec on the right, wired completely separate from the original mag on the left, so I doubt it is that. There is no wiring anywhere near the rudder pedals or the rudder linkage FWF. Any ideas?
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Re: Jabiru 3300/Aerocarb quits on right turn taxi

Postby rbarber » Mon Nov 13, 2023 12:57 pm

Fuel bubbles will form anywhere they can, even if the fuel temperature is low. Fuel will evaporate at room temperature if you wait long enough. If there is a high point in the system where the fuel bubble can go and just sit there, it will. When you turn, or otherwise accelerate, the bubble can be dislodged from its location, and be immeadiately digested in an AeroCarb/Aeroinjector (no float bowl to seperate it). There are numerous "solutions" posted on this. The easiest is to route the fuel line such that there are no high points in the system other than the fuel tank. i.e., if a bubble forms, it goes all the way to the fuel tank. Some have teed in a vertical section of fuel line just before the Aerocarb, etc.

I hope this helps.

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